If you are keeping your bonsai indoors, one of the most important things is ensuring that your Bonsai tree is getting enough light. In general, being placed in a south facing window will ensure that it is getting enough light for as long as possible during the day.
If your indoor space is lacking enough natural daylight then a grow light will be useful to ensure that your bonsai is getting enough light.
Some Bonsai are unable to cope with the higher temperatures and lower humidity inside your home. These trees are best kept outside all year round. In general, they need to be kept in an open bright part of your garden, patio or balcony. During summer, they may need to be placed in a spot with some afternoon shade if it’s particularly hot. This will help to avoid leaf burn. In Winter, wrapping the plant pot with fleece or with bubble wrap will protect the roots from freezing. Some species may benefit from being brought into an unheated greenhouse (or unheated conservatory) to protect it from the coldest temperatures. If temperatures are dropping below freezing, then avoid overwatering beforehand.